Motherhood by Ci.

To be totally honest, I am just winging it, my eyeliner, motherhood, and my life. Ohhhh motherhood, what an adventure to say the least. All you mama's out there, you rock! Being a mom is the hardest job ever, but also the most rewarding. If you're a mama you already know the in-s and out-s... Continue Reading →

To: Lilly & Lucy.

To: Lilly and Lucy.    My sweet sweet girls; it'll be a while before you can read this. Well at least it will be for you Lucy. Lilly you turned three a couple months ago and Lucy you just turned one, and I haven't had time to process my emotions lately. I can't believe my... Continue Reading →

First born, precious one.

Lilly Grace: Where has our time gone? Finding out that I was pregnant with you was the worst news I could have possibly received, that moment my life changed in the blink of an eye. Sickness overwhelmed my entire body as I clung onto the words I had spoken or thought about other girls who... Continue Reading →

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