About Ci.


Blogs, blogs, and more blogs it seems like everyone is starting one so I guess count me in. This blog is just a stay at home mama expressing herself creatively through content produced by moi. Hopefully every time you read my blog you leave with a little nugget of love.

So anyways… almost everyone loves a great cup of coffee, whether it be black, sugar free, or 3 shots of espresso over ice in a venti cup, with 3 pumps vanilla, 1 pump toffee nut & extra ice. (Basic right?) But often times the best part about a cup of coffee are the conversations that accompany it.

I am Ciara, Ci for short; I have 2 daughters Lilly and Lucy and a wonderful husband James. I am a 24 year old local makeup artist who loves fashion, and loves my family. I can’t promise a blog post 2x a week with a trending theme, or selfies with bomb filters on Instagram daily, but I can promise that our convos will always be genuine.

Whether it be fashion or motherhood, transparency through every season is the priority on my list.

So, how do you like your coffee?


Sincerely, Ci.

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